Rev. H.C. Lockhart

Words of Wisdom from the 21st Century Prophet, Rev. H.C. Lockhart

The Holy Family as Refugees/Illegal Immigrant

In the heart of Bethlehem, ‘neath the looming shadow of a less-than-pleasant ruler, a young family found themselves on a treacherous journey. Mary cradled the newborn Jesus, and Joseph guided them away from Herod’s ominous threat. Seeking refuge in Egypt, they traveled with hopes of sanctuary.

As they wandered, much like modern families facing persecution, they encountered both welcoming souls and closed doors. In the village, where strangers embraced them, the warmth of humanity shone through, reminiscent of the kindness needed in the immigration crisis of today.

Yet, like a tale spun from the annals of time, there were those who shut their doors on the Holy Family, forcing Mary and Joseph to find shelter in humble surroundings. Mary, heavy with child, faced the pangs of labor in the stark simplicity of a manger, a scene etched with echoes of vulnerability and the unpredictability of life.

In the midst of struggles, Jesus and Mary shared the plight of the displaced, their journey a canvas painting empathy and understanding for us all. Just as the couple leaned on divine guidance, so do we, grappling with the complexities of contemporary immigration policies.

In this narrative, reminiscent of both the sacred and the everyday, we witness the power of compassion and hospitality. Egypt, a symbol of refuge, welcomed the Holy Family, highlighting the timeless need for nations to embrace a culture of understanding and kindness.

This story, adorned with the hardships faced and the unwavering hope born in a humble manger, beckons us to respond with the love and compassion encapsulated in the teachings of Jesus and Mary. It is a call to see the holy in our neighbors, to open doors when others close, and to advocate for just and humane solutions to the challenges faced by those seeking refuge.

The Holy Family as Refugees in a foreign land.