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Your Blessing is Overdue! It is time to turn on your Blessing!

Rev. H.C. Lockhart
The 21st Century Prophet, Rev. H.C. Lockhart

I am thankful you have found your way here.  May God have blessed you immeasurably.   I am thankful and heart full of gratitude for the support and partnership we have experienced in the past.

My ministry has been dedicated to those in need of prayer and spreading the word of God, providing spiritual guidance, supporting those in need. Over the years, we have witnessed incredible transformations, and it is through the generosity and commitment of individuals and organizations like yours that we have been able to make a meaningful impact.

As we continue our journey in 2024, I am facing new challenges and opportunities to expand our reach and deepen our impact. The demand for our initiative has grown significantly, and I am eager to meet these needs with the same level of dedication and compassion that has defined ministry.  But I am getting old and my time is at hand.  I will need all the help I can get.  I will continue to pray till my last dying breath.  For my mission to serve the Lord and the Lord only.  May God continue to use me as long as I’m able to.   Now to help  sustain and enhance our efforts, we are seeking financial support from compassionate individuals and organizations who share my vision of. Your past support has been instrumental in our success, and I humbly request your continued partnership.

Your contribution will enable us to expand outreach programs, support community events, provide resources for those in need and more. Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve, fostering positive change and creating a community of faith, hope, and love.

I understand that these are challenging times for everyone, and any support, whether big or small, will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or would like more information about our ministry, please do not hesitate to reach out.

I sincerely thank you for considering our request, and I pray for continued blessings upon you and your endeavors. Your support is not just a financial contribution; it is an investment in the well-being of individuals and the community we are privileged to serve.

May God’s grace and abundant blessings be upon you.

In Faith and Gratitude,

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