21st Century Prophet Rev. Lockhart

Heavenly Father, we come before you with heavy hearts, seeking your guidance and mercy in the midst of the challenges we face regarding illegal immigration and border security. We lift up to you the individuals and families who are affected by these issues, asking for your protection, comfort, and provision.

Lord, we recognize the complexity of the situation and the need for wisdom in finding just and compassionate solutions. Grant our leaders discernment as they navigate the intricacies of immigration policies and border security measures. May they be guided by your principles of justice, mercy, and love.

We pray for those who are forced to flee their homes in search of safety and opportunity. Give them strength and resilience in their journeys, and may they find open hearts and helping hands along the way. Help us, as a nation, to extend compassion and hospitality to those in need, just as you have shown us your boundless grace.

Lord Jesus, you were once a refugee, seeking shelter with Mary and Joseph in Egypt. We ask for your presence and protection over those who are vulnerable and in need of refuge today. May we, as a society, reflect your love and compassion in our responses to the challenges of immigration.

Grant us the grace to work together towards solutions that uphold human dignity, respect the rule of law, and ensure the safety and well-being of all. May your Spirit inspire unity, understanding, and empathy among us, fostering a spirit of cooperation and collaboration.

Lord, we entrust this crisis into your hands, knowing that you are a God of justice and mercy. Guide us in the ways of righteousness, and may our actions and policies be a reflection of your love for every person, regardless of their background or circumstances.

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, we pray. Amen.

Pray with me for our Southern Border